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The statutes are internal rules to be followed by Akademikerföreningen at Scania. To change the statutes a decision must be made at two consecutive association meetings. The decisions must be made in the presence of least two thirds of the total members base.

The association’s name is Akademikerföreningen at Scania CV AB.
The purpose of the association is to defend the members’ interests in the workplace. As a local employee organisation, the association shall bring forward the voice of the members and provide the members with trade union and work related information. The association are represented in the local negotiations with the company and maintains the central agreement in which Sveriges Ingenjörer is a party.

The association is a local organisation belonging to Sveriges Ingenjörer and handle the organisations local business.
The association’s activities are performed via association meetings, a board, contact persons and temporary working groups as well as representatives in trade union related contexts inside and outside the company.

The right to a membership in the association lies with members of Sveriges Ingenjörer, and member at any given time with a Sveriges Ingenjörer associated cooperative academic organisation (Saco union), employed by units at Scania and its subsidiaries and stakeholder related companies in Södertälje or is administrated by the HR department at Scania in Södertälje. A membership in AF is free of charge. The fee is paid to each SACO union. See § 10 for information about how AF conducts its financial affairs.

The year of operations and the financial year coincide with the calendar year.

The annual meeting is the highest decision forum of the association.
The regular annual meeting shall be held before 15 March each year.
An extra annual meeting shall be held when the board sees fit or 30 days after the regular annual meeting, if required by at least a tenth of the association’s members and brought forward in writing to the board. The board shall distribute an invitation, agenda and meeting proceedings at the latest 14 days before the regular annual meeting and at the latest 7 days beefore the extra annual meeting. The invitation shall include what topics to be raised. Decision can only be taken for the topics raised in the invitation. A member who wishes a certain topic to be raised during the annual meeting shall report it to the board before end of January.

1. Elect a chairman, secretary and two minutes checker for the meeting.
2. Fråga om behörig utlysning.

3. The board’s description of the operations for the past year.
4. The accountants berättelse.
5. Discharge of the board.
6. Any other business. 
At the extra annual meeting topics raised by the board or a member shall be covered.
Voting shall be conducted in open unless otherwise requested. Each present member owns one vote. If there is a tie vote, discussions shall be held a new with a by-election; if there is yet another tie vote, the side which the chairman supports will be elected.
Meeting notes shall be kept at an annual meeting, as well as decision making association meetings, and stored safely.

§ 6   BOARD
The board leads the association’s operations.
The association’s board consist of a Chairman, a Vice Chairman, cashier, and other commissioners. The board shall always consist of at least seven trustees.
The board appoints a Vice Chairman, cashier and negotiation delegation.
The board meets when summoned by the Chairman, however at least twice each quarter, or when at least half of the commissioners request it.
When the board meets, minutes of meeting shall be kept and adjusted by the chairman of the meeting and stored safely.
The board has the quorum if at least four commissioners entitled to vote are present, among them the Chairman or the Vice Chairman. In the case of even votes the chariman of the meeting has the casting vote.
Non trustees do not have the right to vote, nor the mandate to represent members or the association during negotiations.

A written election of chairperson, remaining board and accountants as well as election committee for the coming year takes place in the month of November, at the latest.
If deemed necessary, the board has the right to request a re-election.

The board has the right to propose an election committee. The election committee shall consist of at least 3 members of which one is the convener. The election committee shall prepare the election of stakeholders according to § 7. The proposal shall be designed to enable deletions and additions. Before a proposal is defined all members should be given the opportunity to show interest to candidate.

The management of the board and the associations finances shall be reviewed by accountants. Two permanent accountants and one substitute shall be in place.

Contact persons shall be appointed for the activities which the board finds relevant. The board decides the number of contact persons and appoints them.
The board appoints other stakeholders which are not elected by a written election, as described in § 2.

The associations costs are covered by a contribution from Sveriges Ingenjörer and the associations cost centre with the company.
The person responsible for the associations cost centre i the chairperson of the association.
The associations accounts are signed for by the members appointed individually by the board.

Changing these statues requires a decision at two succeeding association meetings, whereof one shall be an ordinary annual meeting. The decision shall be supported by a minimum of two thirds of the members present.
Decision to dissolve the association shall be taken at two succeeding ordinary annual meetings and supported by a minimum of three fourths of the members present.
The time of dissolution and how to dispose of the associations assets after the dissolution shall be decided med enkel majoritet at the annual meeting at which the last decision to dissolve the association is made.

§ 12   DISPUTE
Dispute about how to interpret or apply these statutes shall be handed over to the association board of Sveriges Ingenjörers to make a decision.

Statutes in PDF


Published: 2020-02-20

Updated: 2020-02-20

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