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Newsletter March -22

At the beginning of the year, the policy decided by the principal on published material at the university was on the agenda, as was the issue of teleworking for technical and administrative staff. In front of us, we also have a salary revision - where new salaries will take effect (retroactively) from 1 April.

During the month of February, the Saco-S association held a number of meetings aimed at members of various departments / units of the university - which ended with a meeting in March which was held in English. The introductory meetings were mainly aimed at teachers and researchers, where the policy decided on by the principal on materials published at the university was discussed, as well as the issue of salaries and salary setting. The following two meetings were primarily aimed at technical and administrative staff. The issues addressed there were partly the new working time agreement for TA staff and the issue of telework, and partly the issue of salary and salary setting. You can access the images that formed the basis for these presentations via the links below:

Slideshow from presentation aimed primarily at teachers and researchers

Slideshow from presentation aimed primarily at TA-staff

The last meeting was in English and came to touch on all the issues mentioned above. You can access the images that formed the basis of this presentation via the link below:

Slideshow from presentation in English

With regard to the issue of salary and salary setting, the Saco-S association has, in order to simplify things for you as a member, compiled this information here on the website under the heading "SALARY". You can access the mentioned information via the link below:


Earlier in the spring, together with SULF, we centrally wrote a debate post in Barometern - which the principal replied to, after which we wrote a short final remark from the union side. You can reach this discussion via the link below:


In the latest work environment survey that have been carried out, we can see that the workload is high at the university. Although there are large variations between different departments, overall it seems to be slightly higher for teachers and researchers than for technical administrative staff. Within the Saco-S Association's board, we have appointed a working group to address issues of working hours that will include the local working time agreement for teachers, Retendo and duty plans. We gratefully accept thoughts and ideas prior to that work.

Later in the spring, we plan to hold a members' meeting with the theme "collegiality" - we will return with further information about it.

Feel free to contact us with questions and thoughts about the union activities at the university!


The board of the Saco-S association at Linnaeus University


Jan Andersson and Gunilla Gunnarsson (chairman and vice-chairman, respectively)

Published: 2022-03-04

Updated: 2022-03-04

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