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Newsletter March -23

During the month of March, a number of member meetings were held where questions about working time agreements, duty plans and Retendo were on the agenda. A few weeks before that, the salary revision was completed for the members who refused the proposal for a new salary that came into effect from April 1, 2022. An update of the results from questions with open answers in the previously conducted evaluation of said salary revision has been made.

At the end of the previous year, two meetings were held aimed at technical and administrative staff, which mainly focused on issues related to the local working time agreement for TA staff. (The newsletter for December -22 gives you more information from these meetings and also contains slideshows from these presentations.) During the month of March, the Saco-S association has now held a number of meetings aimed at teachers and researchers at various faculties at the university, which ended with a meeting held in English. The meetings now held also dealt with issues related to working hours, with a focus on the local working time agreement for teachers, duty plans and Retendo. You can find the slide show that was used at the presentations in Swedish via the link below:

Slideshow from presentations mainly aimed at teachers and researchers

From the meeting, which was in English, you can access the images that were the basis for this presentation via the link below:

Slidesshow from presentation in English mainly aimed at teachers and researchers

Regarding questions about salary and salary setting, the Saco-S association has, with the aim of simplifying for you as a member, updated the information here on the website under the heading "SALARY". At the current stage, the salary setting for RALS 2022 has also been completed for the members who refused the employer's salary proposal. You can reach the mentioned information via the link below:


The next step in the work with salary is to sign an agreement with the employer regarding the forms for the salary setting process for the new salaries that will apply from 10/01/2023. In addition, we will follow up what we see as areas of development in previous salary reviews. The agreement that was signed for RALS 2022 contains an appendix (appendix 2) with measures that the parties agree should/need to be developed in the upcoming wage revision and also an appendix (appendix 3) that contains things that the Saco-S association considers need to be improved regarding the salary setting – but where the employer does not share the same opinion. You can find the mentioned attachments via the link below (in Swedish only):

Protocol new salaries 2022 (appendix 2 and appendix 3)

Later in the spring – during the month of May – we plan to hold a members' meeting under the theme of pensions with participation from SULF central, which we will return with further information about.

During the spring, the Saco-S association has unfortunately lost some members whom we are no longer allowed/cannot represent in trade union matters. This applies to members who were previously members of The National Union of Teachers in Sweden (LR) and who are now members of Swedish Teachers’ Union (Sveriges Lärare) since the turn of the year. In February, Swedish Teachers’ Union (instead of joining Saco-S) came to an agreement with the Public Employees' Bargaining Council (OFR) – where the trade union ST is the largest union on the state side – to be represented by them. NOTE, however, that those who at the turn of the year 2022/2023 were part of both a Saco-S association and the former National Teachers' Union (so-called dual-affiliated members) will in future be represented by Saco-S (as long as they do not contact the Saco-S association and explicitly states that they wants to be represented by OFR). Unfortunately, however, it is no longer possible for members of Swedish Teachers’ Union to join even a Saco-S union. Those who are currently only members of Swedish Teachers´ Union and no Saco-S union, but wish to be represented by Saco-S in the future, need to switch to a trade union within Saco-S. Below is a link to the Saco-S association's website - where information can be found under the menu "BECOME A MEMBER".


Feel free to get in touch with questions and concerns about the trade union activities at the university!


The board of the Saco-S association at Linnaeus University

Jan Andersson and Gunilla Gunnarsson (chairman and vice-chairman respectively)

Published: 2023-03-29

Updated: 2023-03-29

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