Work injury
This information provides a brief overview of compensation for work injury. For more detailed and specific information, please click on the links below. If you are injured at work or suffer from an occupational disease, you may be entitled to compensation from the statutory occupational injuries insuranceand the collective agreement on occupational injury insurance (TFA).
The collectively agreed insurance supplements the statutory insurance and can provide various forms of compensation. In some cases, you may even receive reimbursement from the collectively agreed insurance, even if you are not entitled through the statutory one.
What is considered a work injury?
- accident at work - accident in the work area that is related to work, also applies during business trips and during training ordered by the employer
- road accident - the everyday-journey to and from work
- occupational disease (other harmful effects) - basically all factors that affect health adversely, physically and psychologically
- infection (in some specific cases) - examples of jaundice infection affecting medical professionals
What can you get compensation for?
The statutory occupational injury insurance, Socialförsäkringsbalken (SFB), provides compensation:
- for loss of income in the event of a
- permanent reduction in work capacity
- costs of dental care, special aids and medical care abroad
- in the event of death (survivor annuity and funeral assistance)
- special work injury compensation (qualifying day of sickness)
- sickness benefit and more for those who are not covered by the health insurance in SFB
- rehabilitation
The collectively agreed work injury insurance (TFA) provides compensation for:
- income loss
- costs
- burning and pain
- rehabilitation
- “lyte och men”
- future loss of income
- special disadvantages
- future additional costs
- loss of maintenance to survivors
- burial costs
- compensation for close relatives' personal injury (case of injury from 2002)
Who decides on work injury?
Försäkringskassan administers and decides on compensation from SFB.
AFA Försäkring administers and decides on compensation from TFA.
This is how work injury is reported
In order to receive the right to compensation from the Socialförsäkringsbalken (SFB) and the collectively agreed social security for work injury (TFA), the work injury must be reported to Försäkringskassan and AFA Försäkring.
The wounded
- reports what has happened to the employer and the safety representative
- applies for compensation from the Försäkringskassan on the form "Application for compensation for work injury / personal injury"
- reports on the AFA Försäkring’s website,
- save receipts and other verifications for costs associated with work injury
- goes to the doctor to prove the damage.
- is required by law to report the damage to Försäkringskassan
- contact the safety officers so that together they can take action to prevent similar work injuries
Updated: 2020-03-12