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Taking career steps and taking on more responsibilities and complex tasks must pay off throughout the professional lives of graduates.

Salary strategy at the company

The company must set an overall salary strategy so that local and central decisions on salary issues align.

Increased mandate for managers to set salaries

Managers must get a greater mandate to set salaries. Both in the salary review and during the year. Instead of annual, centrally controlled market salary initiatives, managers must get a greater scope in their daily work to set salaries that build salary structure from below.

Improved salary structure – especially for managers

To both maintain salary structure and raise the salary level, promotion and broadening allowances during the year must increase. I.e, increased responsibility, new position, broadening and other career steps must always generate salary increase - when the change happens.

To give managers better opportunities for salary development must;

  • all stages of the managerial career in Job Architecture (JA) be used
  • the majority of managers be classified in their JA sub-families
  • both the complexity of the role and the manager’s competence/experience be taken into account when classifying in JA

Well-functioning salary revision

The salary revision must be smooth and meaningful. The salary increase must be strongly linked to performance and not be limited by the internal relative salary level. Salary differentiation must be large enough to act as a driving force for good performance.

Well-known objectives and assessment criteria

Ahead of the salary review in 2025, it must be clear what goals and assessment criteria that applies when MySuccess replaces the current method for performance assessment.

Published: 2021-02-19

Updated: 2024-02-19

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